Navigating Relationships and Pets: Considerations for Cohabitation and Separation

relationships and pets
Yes, these are actually our dogs!

Pets are more than just animals; they are beloved members of our families. Their companionship and unconditional love enrich our lives, and their well-being becomes a priority for us. As a family law firm, we see firsthand how pets can complicate relationships, especially during significant transitions like moving in together or separating. These transitions can be stressful for both humans and pets, as they require adjustments in living arrangements, routines, and sometimes even family dynamics.

This blog post aims to provide guidance on navigating these changes to ensure the well-being of your pets and to minimize conflict. Whether you are embarking on a new journey together or deciding to part ways, planning ahead can help mitigate potential issues and provide stability for your furry friends.

Considerations When Moving In Together or Getting Married

  1. Pet Compatibility: Before making the decision to cohabit or marry, it’s essential to assess how your pets will get along. Some animals may not adapt well to new companions, which can create a stressful environment for everyone involved. It’s important to introduce pets slowly and monitor their interactions to ensure they are comfortable with each other. Consider seeking advice from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to address any concerns and ensure a harmonious household.

  2. Pet Responsibilities: Discuss and divide pet care responsibilities clearly. Who will walk the dog, feed the cat, or clean the litter box? Having a clear agreement can prevent future disagreements. Consider creating a schedule or checklist to keep track of tasks and ensure each pet receives the attention and care they need. This shared responsibility can also foster a sense of teamwork and cooperation in your relationship.

  3. Financial Arrangements: Pet care can be expensive. From food and grooming to medical care and emergency expenses, the costs can add up quickly. Decide how you will share costs for food, grooming, medical care, and other expenses. Consider setting up a joint account or a clear budget for these costs. This financial planning can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that your pets receive the necessary care without financial strain.

  4. Living Arrangements: Ensure your home is suitable for all pets involved. This includes having enough space, proper fencing, and safe areas for each pet. Consider the needs of different pets, such as dogs requiring outdoor space or cats needing vertical territory. Make any necessary adjustments to your home environment to accommodate your pets’ needs and provide them with a comfortable and safe living space.

  5. Legal Considerations: In Saskatchewan, pets are considered property. If you’re worried about your pet being divided the same as the household furniture, you should consider discussing a pet custody agreement with your spouse or partner beforehand. This agreement can clarify expectations and prevent disputes in the event of a separation. It’s important to consult with a family lawyer to understand the legal implications of pet ownership and ensure your agreement is enforceable.

What to Do in the Event of Separation

  1. Pet Custody Agreements: Draft a pet custody agreement that outlines who will take care of the pet post-separation. This agreement should cover visitation rights, primary custody, and any shared responsibilities. Consider the pet’s routine, attachment to each owner, and the practicalities of living arrangements when determining custody. A well-thought-out agreement can provide stability for your pet and reduce conflict between parties.

  2. Consider the Pet’s Best Interest: Focus on what’s best for the pet. Consider factors like who has the time and resources to care for the pet, and which living environment is more suitable. Prioritizing the pet’s well-being can help guide decision-making and ensure that your pet continues to thrive post-separation. Remember that pets can experience stress and anxiety during transitions, so maintaining consistency and routine is crucial for their well-being.

  3. Mediation: If both parties want to keep the pet, mediation can be a helpful way to reach a fair agreement without going to court. A neutral third party can facilitate discussions and help both parties explore options that prioritize the pet’s needs and address each party’s concerns. Mediation can also preserve amicable relationships and promote cooperation in future interactions.

  4. Temporary Arrangements: Sometimes, it might be necessary to have temporary arrangements for pet care while the final decision is being made. This can help reduce stress for both the pet and the owners. Consider enlisting the help of friends, family, or professional pet caregivers to ensure your pet receives consistent care and support during this transitional period.

  5. Legal Support: Seek legal advice to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding pet ownership and care post-separation. An experienced family lawyer can guide you through the process, ensuring that your pet custody agreement is comprehensive and legally binding. Legal support can also provide peace of mind, knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your pet’s interests.


Pets are an important part of our lives, and their well-being should be a priority when making significant relationship decisions. As animal lovers, we understand the unique bond between you and your pets. By discussing pet-related issues upfront and having clear agreements in place, couples can ensure a smoother transition during cohabitation or separation. Planning ahead can prevent misunderstandings and provide stability for your pets, allowing them to thrive in any situation.

If you need assistance with pet custody agreements or other legal matters, feel free to contact our office for expert advice. Our team is here to help you and your pets navigate these transitions with care and understanding. We are committed to ensuring that your pets remain happy, healthy, and loved, regardless of the changes in your personal life.

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Navigating Relationships and Pets: Considerations for Cohabitation and Separation

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