Understanding Recent Changes to Child Support Services

Child support can be a complex issue for separated co-parents, especially when there is no existing agreement or court order in place. To simplify this process, the Child Support Service offers an initial administrative calculation of child support amounts. This service is invaluable for parents who need to establish a fair and reasonable amount of child support without the need for lengthy court proceedings.
In addition to providing initial calculations, the Child Support Service also plays a crucial role in recalculating child support amounts in existing child support documents. This recalculation is necessary when there are significant changes to the payor’s income, ensuring that the child support amounts remain fair and reflective of the current financial situation.

New Eligibility Criteria: What Parents Need to Know

Recent changes to the eligibility criteria for the Child Support Service have made the process more streamlined and accessible. Here are the key updates:
1. No Consent Required from Both Parents: Previously, both parents needed to consent to proceed with a child support calculation. Now, this consent is no longer required. This change aims to reduce delays and make it easier for the primary caregiver to secure child support.
2. Acceptance of Parenting Arrangement: The parenting arrangement described by the applicant is now accepted by the Child Support Service if it is not disputed by the other parent. This means that the service will proceed based on the information provided by the applicant unless the other parent raises an objection.

Additional Key Points from the Child Support Service

Initial Calculations and Recalculations: The service provides both initial administrative calculations and recalculations based on updated income information.
No Cost: There is no cost for either calculation or recalculation services.
Exclusions: The service does not apply if the payor has self-employment, farming, or rental income; if the payor’s income is $150,000 or higher; or if a court date has been set for child support. It also does not calculate retroactive payments, arrears, or extraordinary expenses.

Benefits of These Changes

These updates to the Child Support Service are designed to benefit children by ensuring timely and fair support calculations. Here’s how:
Streamlined Process: By removing the need for mutual consent, the process becomes faster and more efficient, allowing parents to receive necessary support without unnecessary delays.
Reduced Conflict: Accepting the applicant’s described parenting arrangement unless disputed reduces the potential for conflict and simplifies the administrative process.
Fair Support: Regular recalculations based on income changes ensure that the child support amounts are fair and aligned with the payor’s current financial situation.


The recent changes to the Child Support Service are a positive step towards making the system more responsive and effective for separated co-parents. By simplifying the eligibility criteria and streamlining the calculation process, the service aims to provide timely and fair support for children, ultimately promoting their well-being and stability. If you have any questions or need assistance with child support calculations, the Child Support Service is here to help.
For more detailed information, you can visit the [Child Support Service page](https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/family-and-social-support/child-support/child-support-recalculation-service).

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Understanding Recent Changes to Child Support Services

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